Get New Customers and Keep them for Life.

See How Fast Your Customer Base Can Grow

Estimate the Value of Our Program for Your Business

Bank or Business Customer Acquisition Calculator

NOTE: Yellow Cells May Be Changed

How many customers do you have now? ENTER the approximate number of existing customers.
What % of customers might use a new rewards program if it were to be offerred for free?
Number of participating customers:
ENTER the Approximate Number of Friends that each partiicipating customer would invite based on the QuantumCash program. (Likely to be 1 or 2)
Resulting Number of NEW Customers
Percent of Lift (Growth) in New Customers
Lifetime Customer Value (LCV):
ENTER the approximate profit that each customer creates for your bank or business over the entire time they do business with you.
The INCREASE IN VALUE that could be Added to Your Business if you implement the QuantumCash Customer Acquisition and Rewards Program.
  CONCLUSION: Based on the approximate number of customers that you currently have, if you implemented the QuantumCash Program, your business could gain approximately ___________________in New Value.

This Chart is designed to provide executives with data to evaluate the value of implementating a QuantumCash / Earning Social Customer Acquistion Program.

The figures are estimates based on certain information that you provide. This calculator is NOT to be construed as a representation or guarantee of results or a return in investment.


QuantumCash™ is currently entertaining Strategic Marketing Alliances with qualified companies that seek to tap into specific markets with their products and services.

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