Get New Customers and Keep them for Life.
See How Fast Your Customer Base Can GrowEstimate the Value of Our Program for Your Business
Bank or Business Customer Acquisition CalculatorNOTE: Yellow Cells May Be Changed |
How many customers do you have now? ENTER the approximate number of existing customers. | |
What % of customers might use a new rewards program if it were to be offerred for free? | |
Number of participating customers: | |
ENTER the Approximate Number of Friends that each partiicipating customer would invite based on the QuantumCash program. (Likely to be 1 or 2) | |
Resulting Number of NEW Customers | |
Percent of Lift (Growth) in New Customers | |
Lifetime Customer Value (LCV): ENTER the approximate profit that each customer creates for your bank or business over the entire time they do business with you. |
The INCREASE IN VALUE that could be Added to Your Business if you implement the QuantumCash Customer Acquisition and Rewards Program. | |
CONCLUSION: Based on the approximate number of customers that you currently have, if you implemented the QuantumCash Program, your business could gain approximately ___________________in New Value. | |
This Chart is designed to provide executives with data to evaluate the value of implementating a QuantumCash / Earning Social Customer Acquistion Program. |

QuantumCash™ is currently entertaining Strategic Marketing Alliances with qualified companies that seek to tap into specific markets with their products and services.